Tuesday, November 5, 2013


We went to Corvallis, Oregon over the weekend to attend the baby blessing of our newest niece, Alice. It was a spiritual occasion, and I am grateful we were able to be there.

I love the city of Corvallis. It is home to Oregon State University, where my brother-in-law is currently working towards his Master's degree. It has so many fun things to offer. One of my favorite things about Corvallis is that it has many places where the trees hang over the streets that are lined with well-kept craftsman style homes. It is such a pretty sight. Saturday we went to the Farmer's Market, which is always a favorite pastime of mine because I am all about eating organic and supporting local farmers and artisans. We munched on some of the best homemade chocolate donuts, dried apples, and homemade bread. I also brought home some honey I had bought from a local beekeeper there.

On Sunday, after the sweet blessing of our niece, I went to Relief Society. The woman who taught Relief Society chose to teach about Gratitude. It was an amazing lesson. Towards the end of the lesson, she shared this video that really touched me.

This is the whole purpose behind this blog. I started it to share my spiritual experiences and blessings that I recognize in my own life. I want to uplift others. I try each day to recognize the love that Heavenly Father has for me and my family, as well as everyone around me. We are all sons and daughters of God. He loves each one of us equally. I know that when we ponder about our day, we can recognize the Lord's hand in our life. When we notice the miracles that occur in our lives everyday, we are filled with peace, comfort, and the spirit of gratitude.

At the end of our Relief Society lesson, the woman who taught asked the class what ways they had seen the hand of God in their own lives. One woman shared her recent experience of receiving a blessing while she was enduring a difficult labor, and almost lost her baby due to complications. She was overcome with gratitude for priesthood blessings, and the love that Heavenly Father has for her and her family. One woman shared how she was observing her daughter interact with her friends and she became overwhelmed with gratitude over the fact that she is able to be a mother and raise her daughter. Another woman had shared how she had just had a funeral for her mother. She recalled sweet memories of her mother as a woman of God, never speaking a harsh word, and always there to nurture and love her.

These stories that those women shared were inspiring to me. We are all so special and loved beyond what we realize. Surround your thoughts with gratitude, and happiness will abound :)

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