Reese was born on Wednesday, May 21, 2014.
I didn't sleep well the night before we were supposed to be at the hospital. I was up at 4 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep. I had to be at the hospital at 6 a.m.
I didn't sleep well the night before we were supposed to be at the hospital. I was up at 4 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep. I had to be at the hospital at 6 a.m.
I've been induced before, and so I knew what to expect. As soon as I arrived and checked in, I changed into the hospital gown and the nurses began to get me ready for induction. One nurse administered the IV into my left hand, while another wrapped monitors around my belly. One to monitor the baby's heartbeat, the other to measure my contractions. The nurses checked me and I was already dilated to 3 cm, but my contractions were still very manageable, almost painless. I was also greeted by my doctor, who had just delivered a baby a few hours earlier.
Pre-pitocin! |
Then the nurses administered pitocin through my IV, which made me nervous because I know that is when the pain will gradually increase. As the hours go by, my dosage of pitocin was gradually increased, so my labor contractions got stronger and stronger. By about 2:30 p.m., I was ready for an epidural because the contractions were pretty painful and getting very frequent.
Post-pitocin! |
Danny teases that things start to get serious when my hair goes up into a ponytail! I hesitate to even share that picture above because it's definitely not flattering, but I think the comparison is a little funny. I am quiet while I'm in labor, but apparently this is what my face looks like. The anesthesiologist came in my epidural was finished at 3 p.m.
Right at 3 p.m., my friend Nathalie was being discharged because she had just had her baby the day before so she paid me a visit and I got to see her sweet little baby boy. Thank goodness I was comfortable and able to visit with her by that point. She told me all about her delivery, which was neat. After she left, I rolled over to my side and tried to take a nap. I was in and out of sleep, but about 45 minutes later, I woke up feeling intense pressure and so I told my nurse. She checked me and I was dilated at 10cm, and totally ready to go! They were telling me not to sneeze or cough, and giving orders to call Dr. Elkhoury right away and have him run right over from the clinic! Then the nurses started prepping the room for delivery.
Dr. Elkhoury came quickly, and suited up for delivery. I wanted Danny to record the delivery, because I have never had one recorded before, and I wanted to be able to see a delivery actually happen.
I began to push, and after a few pushes, Reese's head was already out. Danny started recording right before her head came out.
But then what happened next was alarming. As I watched Danny's face while he is recording, he started to look worried and I heard the doctor telling the nurses that the baby had shoulder dystocia and ordered one of them to come to my right and push down on my lower abdomen. For that next two minutes, it was really scary. I said a prayer in my head that everything would be alright with this baby and the delivery. The doctor tells me to stop pushing, and then to start again. He was able to finish her delivery by twisting her head and shoulders and pulling her out. He placed her on my chest and said, "You have a beautiful girl!"
She was born at exactly 4 p.m., and immediately cried, which is a reassuring thing. I stared at her in amazement at the fact that I helped create this beautiful person. She had been growing within me for the past 40 weeks, and she was finally here! She was absolutely beautiful and perfect in every way! Dr. Elkhoury asked me if we had a name, and I told him, "I think her name is Reese!" Reese is a name that I have always loved for a girl. Danny and I knew that if we had another girl, her name would be Reese, and her middle name would be after my mother, Michelle. Reese Michelle Fry. She's perfect, and her name seems to suit her. Soon after she was born, I noticed that she has the most gorgeous dimples on both of her cheeks, just like her big sister Payton.
What I didn't realize then that I do now is how serious a shoulder dystocia in a delivery can be, and how lucky and blessed we are that everything ended up fine.
This is how Wikipedia defines it…
Shoulder dystocia is a specific case of dystocia whereby after the delivery of the head, the anterior shoulder of the infant cannot pass below, or requires significant manipulation to pass below, the pubic symphysis. It is diagnosed when the shoulders fail to deliver shortly after the fetal head. Shoulder dystocia is an obstetric emergency, and fetal demise can occur if the infant is not delivered, due to compression of the umbilical cord within the birth canal.
I have read other articles about shoulder dystocia in delivery and they all remain very clear as to how dangerous that situation is. What is so scary about it is that if a baby is not fully delivered before 5 minutes once the head is out, it starts to compress the umbilical cord, causing possible asphyxia, nerve damage, and even fetal death.
Not only was Reese delivered safely, but she also hasn't showed any signs of nerve damage to her left arm, which often happens with babies that experienced shoulder dystocia during delivery. We were truly watched over.
Our first selfie together :) |
Feeling so blessed! |
I feel so beyond grateful for Dr. Elkhoury and his knowledge and skills that he demonstrated to deliver her safely. He remained so calm, and just seemed to know exactly how to handle the situation. Watching the video of Reese's delivery, I can now see why Danny had a worried expression on his face. The way Dr. Elkhoury was able to twist her head and body and pull her out is simply amazing, but it looks really unnerving. I'm sure her birth video could be used as a learning tool for medical students as to how to successfully handle shoulder dystocia, but I am not about to make that suggestion! I am so grateful to Heavenly Father for hearing and answering our pleas for a healthy delivery and a healthy baby.
A few weeks ago, I found out that Dr. Elkhoury was going to be leaving the country for a few weeks on my due date. I really wanted him to be the doctor to deliver me, but I also didn't want to be induced because I wanted to go into labor on my own naturally. I had to weigh out the pros and cons. I knew that I probably wasn't going to deliver Reese early because I didn't have many signs of labor. For my last regular o.b. appointment, I went in still not knowing what to do. Danny and I prayed, and Danny assured me that once we got there, we would know what to do. As Dr. Elkhoury walked into that appointment and greeted Asher, Danny and I, I had an overwhelmingly strong feeling that he needed to be the doctor to deliver this baby, which meant that I would have to be induced right before he left the country. I know that that was my answer from Heavenly Father. I have full faith that that was the direction that we were led from Heavenly Father, that Dr. Elkhoury was the right doctor for this delivery. And now I can see why. He was so skilled at bringing her into this world, even with the serious complication that occurred. He was the right doctor for Reese. I can honestly say that he is my favorite OBGYN I've ever had.
She is so loved by her siblings! |
Danny was such an amazing partner during delivery, like he always has been. He knows exactly how to be there for me. He gives me comfort when needed, and makes me feel like I'm Superwoman for going through all the pain that labor brings. I am so grateful to have such an amazing partner in life!
What is so neat to me is the fact that helped to take part in Heavenly Father's plan. Danny and I helped bring a sweet, special spirit from His presence down to Earth to gain a physical body and experience this mortal life. It's neat to think that even just one short year ago, Reese was in our Heavenly Father's presence just waiting.
She has the same dimples and widow's peak hairline as Payton! |
We are so thrilled to have another sweet girl join our family. I always had a strong feeling throughout the pregnancy that we were going to have another girl. Everyone in the family has fallen in love with her, and the kids are always asking if they can hold her. I find myself constantly staring at her in amazement, wishing I could just freeze time and let her be in this newborn phase for a long time. She is so perfect and beautiful!
I just can't say it enough, we are so so so blessed.