Tuesday, April 1, 2014


As I was waiting in the car for Payton after school today, this song came on the radio and it brought me back to the late 90's when I loved listening to my Jagged Little Pill CD.  It's such a great song, and I love Alanis Morissette.  I love her unique style, and not to mention, she has great hair!  This song was also amongst my favorites of hers.

General Conference is this weekend!  I am so excited to listen to all the uplifting and inspired talks!  Listening to our inspired church leaders is like recharging my batteries.  I plan to use this idea for the kids to keep their attention, but using healthy stuff rather than candy.  It worked so nicely last time when I did this!  

Last Saturday, I got to take Payton to watch Women's Conference.  It was such a special thing to experience with her.  I could feel the Spirit so strong, especially during this video.  She's growing up way too fast, and so I cherished those moments with her where we just felt showered with Heavenly Father's love...

My kids have recently discovered Lindsey Sterling, thanks to this video that we watched.  They love listening to her music, which makes me happy.  She's one amazing violinist! 

My super talented cousin, who also has twins, is a great artist with her own Etsy shop.  I recently ordered two of her art prints, and I can't wait until they arrive and are hanging in my dining room!  

I'm so glad it's finally Spring!  Even though we've had a lot of rain lately, I'm so happy for the change of seasons.  It means, Easter, Spring Break, pastel colored nail polish, more playing outside, and planting our garden!